How To Clean Red Wine On The Sofa In 5 Minutes
1-Find a white shower towel that is well absorbent, fold it in half, place on the stain and then sit on it for 30 seconds.
2-Then, repeat a second time with another clean end of the towel.
3-Finally, take half a cup of white wine and slowly pour over the remaining red stain. The stain will disappear. Use a towel again to extract the white wine by pressing down on it to blot the wine.
4-In order not to leave the sofa with a sticky texture or an alcohol smell, repeat the process with vinegar one last time but only when the red is gone.
The Most Effective Way to Clean a Fresh Wine Stain
The closer the composition of white wine is to that of red wine, the faster the trick is effective. The two wines bind to each other almost instantaneously, and the red color sometimes disappears in a single rinse with white wine. This is the most effective way to clean a fresh red wine stain. The principle is that you pat the red wine dry so that there is little left and dilute it with more white wine to absorb more. Once or twice is normally enough.
Finally, you can put salt on the wet area. The salt slowly absorbs the liquid residue. Also, if you don’t have white wine, you can put salt on the stain while you go to the convenience store to buy some.
Effective for cleaning red wine on carpet
This little trick is to remember for fabric furniture, but also to clean red wine on a carpet, tablecloths, a shirt. The important thing is that the stain is fresh and hasn’t had time to dry. So, keep a bottle of cheap white wine in the cupboard.
Caution: Never attempt to clean red wine with soap or household product. You’ll create an indelible stain.
What to do if the red wine stain is dry
You can try the same way to clean a wine stain on a sofa once it’s dry, but it might be more difficult. In some cases, you may not be able to do it completely. However, by using white wine, salt or vinegar you are not likely to aggravate the stain, on the contrary.
This way, you can call a professional sofa cleaning service to finalize the removal of the stain if necessary.