Air duct are connected to a main ventilation system and allow air flow to be directed into specific part of a home are building. So air exchanger as well as central heating or cooling system will use air duct to distribute air into the whole place. Air duct can push air or take back air. Then a ventilation system need to be well balanced to insure a good distribution of the air. We talk about hot air, cool air or just fresh air.
Air duct size
Commercial air duct
Commercial air duct will vary in size moore thant residential so in some case commercial air duct are big enought so a man can get into if needed for inspection, maintenance or cleaning. Bigger building will have bigger size air duct. Larger air duct are made to allow a moore powerfull ventilation system to carrie a larger amount of air per minute.
Residential Air duct
Air duct concetpion
Most air duct or maiden of thin metal and are just assembly together with small metal screw. Sometime duct are maden of flexiblematerial, can be aluminium or plastic. Aluminium is safer for dryer vent duct as plastic one may cause some fire incident. Home secondary air duct are typically 4,5 or 6 inches of diameter.
Air duct cleaning
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