The Ultimate in Furniture Cleaning
Our expertly operated factory trucks provide exceptional cleaning for fabric furniture. In addition, our expertise in cleaning leather furniture also guarantees outstanding cleaning for your leather sofas and sofas of all kinds.
Cleaning Experts has been awarded a Consumer Choice on a number of occasions. In addition, we offer you really advantageous promotions everywhere in Laval. Call us for your free estimate or use our written request form for an assured response no later than the next day.
Commercial furniture cleaning 7/7 and 24-24.
No matter what type of furniture you have, whether it is inside a private residence, a business, or a factory, you can be sure that we will clean it professionally by removing all particles and stains. The particles that can be found inside fabric furniture are chemical and organic in nature.
Among the chemicals present in your furniture, heavy metals are very common and also very bad for your health. Organic matter includes food, grease, dust mites, or mold. Dust captures these particles and carries them through the air and it can be very harmful to breathe in this dust, especially if you have young children and elderly people at home.
Powerful Furniture Cleaning
Our furniture cleaning professionals have an excellent reputation acquired over the years and we always want to continue to improve in order to offer our customers high-tech equipment designed specifically for the cleaning of your furniture. We carry out the cleaning of furniture with steam extraction and sometimes dry.
Furniture cleaning by factory trucks
We have very powerful equipment that will be able to remove all forms of particles that may end up in your furniture outside your home in our factory trucks. Our equipment is also able to clean carpets that may be found inside condominiums or multi-storey buildings. A factory truck based on the outskirts of the island of Laval ensures your furniture cleaning quickly.
Exceptional Furniture Cleaning Technicians in Laval
Although we have the best furniture cleaning equipment on the market today, we would not be able to offer you this value for money without the help of our highly experienced technicians dedicated to cleaning furniture for Laval residents. To find out more about us, visit our main page: furniture cleaning.
Cleaning leather furniture
Furniture cleaners with 10 to 30 years of experience
All of our cleaning technicians are handpicked for their extensive experience as well as their pride in their work. A real furniture cleaning technician knows how to use the equipment optimally as well as the various brushes and products to be able to remove more stubborn stains that may be found inside the furniture in your living room or your mattress.
Our technicians are meticulous and patient and will be able to prepare recipes for special furniture cleaners to get rid of the most stubborn stains on your furniture. Our steam extraction and very hot water cleaning method removes bacteria, dust mites, grease, stains and embedded dust.
Our cleaners are able to advise you so that you can keep your furniture in good condition for much longer, with innovative furniture cleaning and protection products. Whether you're cleaning leather or fabric furniture, we have the right solution for you. To learn more about our services, visit our pages that describe how to clean a leather sofa and to learn about our mattress cleaning service.
For clean furniture, call Cleaning Experts in no time at all.
So if you live in the Laval area and you want to get an outstanding furniture cleaning service, all you have to do is contact us, our receptionists are waiting for your call 7 days a week and in the evening from Monday to Thursday. Call us now and save.

Furniture cleaning in Vimont Laval
"Our living room furniture is put to the test by our small family and periodically needs professional cleaning. We live in an open concept, the sofas in the living room are at the heart of the action: with the television and close to the kitchen, this is the perfect place for teenagers and their dogs. I found Cleaning Experts here on Google and was treated to a cleaning that exceeded my expectations. My furniture was stained and dirty and it's as good as new now. »
Nadine Trottier
Our benches in Sainte Rose
"The fabric chairs in our restaurant's dining room got dirty easily and we've already washed them with a rented machine. We had very disappointing results. Cleaning Experts uses huge and powerful equipment, with very, very hot water. Our chairs were saved by cleaning, as this was their last chance. We've also experimented with their anti-stain treatment and it's working. »
Mr. Ferreira
They gave our big L-shaped sofa a good clean
"It is our pleasure to write a short note for your website. Your employee Nicolas is competent and very charming, you are lucky to have such a person in your team. I will recommend your furniture cleaning service to all my friends and sisters. »