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Grants and tax credits for home cleaning services in Montreal

ventilation duct cleaning credit grantIn Montreal, a range of financial support programs are at your fingertips, and you may have missed them. We’re here to remind you! Grants and tax credits exist to breathe a breath of fresh air into your home. Whether it’s to dust your air ducts or restore the shine to your carpets and sofas, help is not far away on government, municipal, or CNSST websites.

The goal? Simplify the lives of Montrealers by reducing maintenance costs – a boon especially for those who juggle physical challenges or who have seen several springs go by.

Other cities are following suit. The City of Repentigny is also getting in on the act with its own incentives. These are part of a green approach (because breathing clean air is priceless). Specific initiatives regarding cleaning ventilation ducts ? Yes. So, ready to give your interior a makeover while preserving our dear planet.

1. Reimbursement of routine maintenance costs by the CNESST

The Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) has set up a benevolent system for workers affected by an accident or illness related to their work – and faced with permanent disability. It offers a program to support them financially.

What exactly does it cover? Daily household maintenance expenses. Concretely, for example, spring cleaning comes along: it is then a question of removing all traces of dirt from carpets , bringing sofas back to life or even tackling air ducts ; each situation studied reveals its own needs. So know that these tedious tasks are taken into account, but always adapted on a case-by-case basis.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Before consolidation: Even before consolidation is confirmed, everything depends on the CNESST’s assessment. If it concludes that the worker is suffering, or is at risk of suffering, from a lasting physical after-effect – this is referred to as a real hindrance to their ability to perform domestic chores – in which case, reimbursement may be considered. But be careful! This financial support only applies if this incapacity is a direct result of a work accident or an illness related to their professional activity.
  • After consolidation: Sometimes reimbursement is granted in very specific circumstances, for example a worker: after having reached a plateau of optimal recovery, may keep after-effects. A physical incapacity, tenacious and indelible, directly resulting from his accident at work. He is therefore unable to assume his usual tasks. In this case (and this is where things take on their full meaning), reimbursement comes into play as a valuable aid to compensate for what can no longer be accomplished.

Types of Reimbursable Expenses:

Covered expenses include, but are not limited to:

  • Lawn Mowing: Refresh your green space with a flawless lawn mowing
  • Snow removal: Say goodbye to snow drifts with an efficient snow removal service;
  • Painting, to bring a new shine
  • Major cleaning , which may include carpet cleaning services, sofa cleaning services, and possibly air duct cleaning services in some cases.

To benefit from a reimbursement by the CNESST, it’s simple. You just need to provide two detailed quotes. The CNESST will choose between the two.

Please note: only expenses explicitly validated by the organization will be covered. Don’t forget: keep your invoices safe – they are the key to activating these reimbursements!

Annual Repayment Amount:

For the year 2024, the repayment ceiling is set at $3,897. But where does that come from? A look back at the figures from previous years:

  • 2023: $3,733
  • 2022: $3,505
  • 2021: $3,413
  • 2020: $3,379
  • 2019: $3,316
  • 2018: $3,241
  • 2017: $3,193

Source : CNESST – Reimbursement of routine maintenance costs

2. Tax credit for home support for seniors (Revenu Québec)

Are you over 65? Good news! Revenu Québec has thought of you with the tax credit for home support for seniors. The idea is simple: reduce your bill for daily helping hands. We’re talking about cleaning, whether it’s your carpets or your sofas, not to mention the air ducts.
The goal? To allow you to live at home, comfortably and peacefully, while benefiting from the services essential to your well-being. With this tax break, staying in the cozy nest that is your home becomes easier (and more enjoyable). A bit like an invitation to fully enjoy your home without thinking about having to pay an unexpected amount for an essential task.
To qualify for the tax credit in 2023, you must check two essential boxes:

  • first, having taken up residence in Quebec at the dawn of the new year (say, December 31, 2023).
  • Then, celebrate your 70th birthday or more. A detail: the expenses incurred fly into the basket of eligible people as soon as you blow out your 70th birthday candles – even if this milestone occurs in the middle of the year.

service de nettoyageEligible Services:

Services covered by this tax credit vary depending on the type of housing and may include:

  • Cleaning carpets and sofas
  • Cleaning of air ducts , if disassembly of the ducts is not required
  • Chimney sweeping
  • Housekeeping of living areas , including sweeping, dusting, and general cleaning
  • Clothing and bedding care (cleaning curtains, towels, etc.)
  • Exterior maintenance , including snow removal, lawn mowing, and cleaning windows and gutters.

To benefit from this tax break: the services must come from a company or a self-employed person. A sine qua non condition: the presentation of an invoice.

Please note, however, that only labor costs qualify for the credit. Bad luck for those who are big on cleaning – items like cleaners and disinfectants are still your responsibility.

As for how to claim this tax credit?

Nothing could be simpler: you just need to carefully complete Appendix J when you file your annual declaration. Can’t wait? Opt for an early request; that way, you’ll benefit from the payments before the tax year even draws to a close.

And for those who still have gray areas, “Revenu Québec” is your ally by organizing conferences; a great opportunity to sort out the truth from the falsehood and take ownership of your rights as well as your duties.

Source : Revenu Q u ébec – Tax credit for home support for seniors

3. Financial assistance program for duct cleaning in Repentigny

Repentigny is committed! For those aiming for a greener daily life, the City unveils its new initiative: financial assistance for local eco-pioneers.

Want to purify your air and save a few dollars? The program awaits you. On the menu: reimbursement of costs related to cleaning your ventilation ducts and, the cherry on the cake, the acquisition of reusable filters.

However, be careful: a few criteria must be checked to benefit from it. Don’t play guessing games! The details, on the city’s official website, are waiting for you: follow them meticulously so that your application is successful.

“Changing the world, one step at a time…” Repentigny makes this maxim its own by encouraging its residents to be eco-responsible . Are you ready to take the plunge? Nothing could be simpler: a 100% digital approach on the municipal platform opens the doors to a sustainable future. For any questions that may still be tickling your mind, Repentigny is just a click away to enlighten you!

Source : City of Repentigny – Duct Cleaning Assistance Program